30 Jun LEADx
Recently I was invited to Lead X, a series of presentations, TedX style in Brisbane.
My sketch note gives a bit of a summary of it all, however it was really inspiring hearing the stories of each presenter.
The presenters were:
Dr. Kirsten Baulch www.medimobile.com.au
Mary Jane Bellotti https://www.linkedin.com/in/mjbellotti
Monica Bradley www.purposefulcapital.com
Kristine Carlson www.kristinecarlson.com
Megan Houghton www.citysmart.com.au
Sonia McDonald www.leadershiphq.com.au
Kim Serafini www.mindpt.com https://serafinimindspa.iamgr8ful.com/
Annette Sym https://www.symplytoogood.com.au/
Each had very different paths that took them from the initial idea to a much bigger reality.
The main focus of the talks was around innovation and how the use of innovation has assisted with providing better outcomes for the customers. Which leads to better outcomes for the business.
Innovation needs to make life easier. Sometimes the simplest things can be the hardest to see in today’s fast paced world.
What is your simple innovation that changes the pace of your world?
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